Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Big Game (repost)

While I'm looking for online sites where I can play poker, I saw this poker poem. I just want to share this to you... I like the last part. Take your time to read this amazing poem.

The waiting starts, the players seat.
Don't play first hand in case of a bad beat.
Introductions don't seem to last,
as Blinds are posted and cards begin to blast.
You sit and wait for cards to play,
Some high return set to make the day.
Your dealt a pair and play them slow.
Your dealt a set and think here we go!
Minimum raise, so as not to scare the rest.
Your re-raised now, is their hand really the best
The turn it comes, and so you see,
the board pairs off, your mind is screaming out with glee.
You check your turn to see whom bets.
Flat calling with two others, you feel set.
The rivers low, the tide is out.
You feel the hand is yours no doubt.
You go all-in and get a call.
You feel confident you'll win it all.
Your hand you show, with instant glee,
A full house for all to see.
You pull in the chips, looking all forelorn,
For the other player is wishing he wasn't born.
They lost their chips, it could have easily been you,
a hand-shake given, and look so blue.
On and on the game it plays,
each hand a recipe for disaster.
But feeling good your chips get staked.
The tournement is now on at last!

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